Malayali actor Rajeev Pillai stars as the lead in the new film 'Dexter', produced by Prakash S.V. under the banner of Ram Entertainers and written and directed by Surya G. The film is set to release in February in both Malayalam and Tamil. The distribution rights for Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka have been acquired by Uthra Productions, led by Hari Uthra. The female lead in the film is model and Bollywood actress Yukti Pervi. The executive producers are Charvak V.N. and Harsh N.
In addition to Rajeev Pillai, the film features prominent roles played by Hareesh Peradi, Abhishek Joseph George, Ashraf Gurukkal, and Sidhara Vijayen. The story of the revenge thriller has been written by Shivam. The cinematography of the film is handled by Aditya Govindraj, while the editing is managed by Sreenivas P. Babu. The lyrics are by Jo Paul and Mohan Rajan, with the music composed by Sreenath Vijay. The singers are Shwetha Mohan and Sathyaprakash.