Article I : Name

The name of the Association shall be Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA)

Article II : Registered Office

The Registered Office of the Association shall be situated at T.C 16/130/1, P.T.C. Road, Trivandrum -14, Kerala. 

Article III : Area of Operation

Area of operation shall be in the State of Kerala.

Article IV : Objectives

Section 1: The main Objectives shall be:-

a. To promote and develop better relations between members and other Associations.
b. To create and develop fellowship among the members.
c. To protect and help to enrich the economical status of the members.
d. To help the members on either superannuation of retirement or disableness or during any distress period on the conditions and rules, from the fund separately maintained for this purpose or from any other fund.
e. To utilize the Association fund for helping the weaker section of the public, by introducing scholarships for educational purposes, housing schemes etc. and also to help by extending financial assistance at the time of natural calamities.

Section 2 : The other objectives shall be -

a. To protect the rights of the members.
b. To insist, maintain and develop self-discipline and professional and social ethics among members.
c. To find out the issues concerning the Artistes, to analyse them and to find out possible remedies.
d. To be an information center regarding the details of Artistes in the industry.
e. To get the benefit of collective effort where individual effort could not succeed.
f. To train and develop the arts of action, dance, music, drama or other arts in the cine field or any other art by establishing colleges or institutes and to pay scholarships, prizes, merit certificates and honoring the scholars.
g. To exchange Artistes, scholars or students of our country with other countries.
h. To publish journals, magazines, etc. for developing Art, Culture, General Knowledge, etc.
i. To provide and develop social and recreational facilities to members.
j. To conduct dramas, star-nights, dance/music performances, group discussions, etc.
k. Protect the members from unemployment and if felt necessary to help the qualified and needy members with financial help on the conditions and rules, from the fund separately maintained for this purpose as a gift.
l. To send and receive ambassadors or Artistes between countries to propagate the Art, Culture and about the Artistes and to develop and maintain better relations with the public and society.
m. To act, if required, as an advisory body to Government Departments connected for the upliftment and development of the film industry and particularly Malayalam film industry.
n. To maintain a library and conduct study circles, workshops, etc. and arrange lectures for the benefit of the members.
o. To assemble and meet, to give lectures, to discuss and to do research.
p. To act as arbitrators in all disputes that may be submitted to them for arbitration by the members and others in the film field.
q. To obtain and furnish statistics regarding the various phases of the Malayalam film industry.
r. To amalgamate the society either wholly or partially and also to affiliate with any other society, having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the society.
s. Generally to purchase or sell, take on a loan or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any immovable or movable property and any rights or privileges which the society may think necessary or convenient for any of the purposes for which it is established.
t. To invest and deal with moneys of society not immediately required upon such securities and in such manner, as may from time to time be determined in the best interests of the society.
u. To make, accept, endorse and execute pronotes, Bill of Exchange and other negotiable instruments.
v. To make and give receipts, releases and other discharge for money payable to the society.
w. To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.


We, the several person whose names and addresses are given below, having associated ourselves for the purposes described herein do hereby subscribe our names to this Memorandum of Association to form ourselves into a Charitable Society, under the Travancore, Cochin, Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, XII of 1955 and set our hands and form ourselves into a Society and we have been duly authorized to make this application by the General Body Meeting dated . . . .
Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA)

Article I : Membership

Section 1

Member is an Actor Artiste in Feature Films admitted according to the rules and regulations of the Associations, paying the due membership fees and who has not resigned or dismissed from the Association. 

2. The membership is restricted to Actor Artistes in FEATURE FILMS and will be admitted on the prescribed application forms with specified fees to the Executive Committee of the Association. The Executive Committee will be the final authority to allocate the type of membership and its decision shall be final in the matter.

3. An applicant for membership should have completed the age of 18. If the applicant is less than 18 years old, the parent or guardian shall sign and submit the application. Executive Committee shall consider such application and admit according to the constitution and bye-law. Such member, till his attaining the age of 18 or his guardian or his parent will have no voting right.

4. There will be following types of membership -

a. Ordinary Membership

b. Life Membership

c. Honorary Membership

The qualifications for becoming a member of different categories are-

a. Ordinary Membership

The member artiste who could not be classified as Life member for want of experience, acceptance or standing in the field shall be classified as Ordinary Membeiby the Executive Committee.
b. Life Membership

A person who is in full-time acting in Feature Films and who is in the profession of full-time acting for not less than 1 year shall become a Life member by paying the specified fees.

c. Honorary Membership

The member who is admitted into membership as a Member of honor without fees by the Executive Committee and as approved by the members in the General Body.
5. The Executive Committee shall consider the social status, dignity, and standing of the applicant before admitting him/her as Member.
6. Every applicant has to fill up and sign the prescribed application form and submit to the Association with necessary fees and with the support of recommendations of two existing Life Members.
7. The Executive Committee is fully authorized and empowered to analyse and scrutinize the applications and admit them in the respective categories. The Executive Committee, in the interest of the Association, may reject or defer any application of membership without assigning any reason thereof. If any application is rejected the applicant shall apply for reconsideration after the lapse of 6 months from the date of the original application.
8. To decide to admit a Member, the proposal is to be approved by all the Executive Committee Members in the Executive Committee Meeting in which the proposal is presented and the application stands rejected even if one Executive Committee Member present in the Meeting objects to such application.
9. The Executive Committee may form a Membership Committee to assist them in scrutinizing and recommending for membership of applicant where the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.
10. Each Member has to pay the fees prescribed in the bye-laws.
11. A person admitted to membership shall be eligible to exercise his right to vote as a member of the Association only if he has made all payments incidental to membership in the Association prescribed in these bye-laws and he shall not be disqualified under a declaration made by the Executive Committee preventing the member from the exercise of such rights.

Article II: Fees and Dues

1. The fees for various memberships shall be as follows:-
i. Application fees as determined by the Executive Committee.
ii. Admission fees shall be Rs. 500/- for all types of membership except Honorary Members.
iii. Membership fees are payable at the time of joining.
a.Life Member Rs. 25,000/-
b.Ordinary Member Rs. 1,200/-
iv. Ordinary Members are to pay Rs. 1,200/- as subscription per year, payable before 30th April, of every year.
2. If there is any default in payment of fees, the Executive Committee may remove the member from the Register of Members.
3. The fees once paid shall not be refunded. Admission fees as under Article II, section 1 (ii) shall be refunded by Executive Committee if the application is rejected.


1. A Register of Members shall be maintained and it will be open for inspection by the Members during office hours on working days.
2. Fees will not be charged for inspection of the Register of Members.

Article IV: Executive Committee and Officers

1. There shall be a Governing Body of the Association for management and carrying out the objectives of the Association and for discharging the functions assigned to it hereunder.
2. The Governing Body of the Association shall be an Executive Committee to be constituted as the constitution and bye-laws of the Association may provide.
3. The number of members in the Executive Committee shall not exceed 17 members and not less than the number required for forming a quorum.
4. Life Members can only become Member of the Executive Committee.
5. The term of the Executive Committee shall be three years. The year for the purpose of this section shall be reckoned from the 1 st July ending with 30th June. The term of 3 years presented under these bylaws shall subject to the exception if any contemplated in any other clauses in the bye-laws of the Association.
6. Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, the decision of the Executive Committee in all Association matters shall be final, subject only to an appeal to the Association. On such appeal the decision appealed from shall be reversed only by a two- thirds’ vote of the members present at a meeting of the members, specified by the Executive Committee, a quorum being present, notice of such appeal having been given by the General Secretary to all members of the Association eligible to vote at least 21 days prior to such meeting.
7. The Executive Committee shall have general control over all officers and members of the Committee and may, for good cause, declare any office vacant.
8. The officers of this Association shall be President, two Vice-presidents, General Secretary, Joint Secretary and the Treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the Executive Committee and are elected by the members directly in addition to the 11 Executive Committee Members as per Article XIII and XIV. 

9. Notwithstanding the expiration of the duration of the Executive Committee and Officers (hereinafter referred to as the former Executive Committee and officers) the former Executive Committee shall continue to exercise its functions until a new Executive Committee is constituted in accordance with the provisions of this constitution, and on such constitution the former Executive Committee and Officers shall stand dissolved.

10. The President, the Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, Joint Secretary or Treasurer shall hold office for a period of 3 years from the date on which he is chosen but so as not to extend beyond his term of office as a member of the Executive Committee at the relevant time, and he shall be eligible for re-election.

Article V : Functions, Duties & Powers of the Executive Committee & Officers

1. Executive Committee will function within the Constitution and bye-laws of the Association.
2. a. To amalgamate the Society either wholly or partially and also to affiliate with any other Society, having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Association.
b. Generally to purchase or sell, take on a loan or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any immovable or movable property and any rights or privileges which the society may think necessary or convenient for any of the purposes for which it is established.
c. To invest and deal with the money of Association not immediately required, upon such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined in the best interests of the Society.
d. To make, accept, endorse and execute promotes, Bill of Exchange and other negotiable instruments.

3. In the interest of Association, the Executive Committee shall sue in the court of law for cases affecting the interest of the Association, conducting such cases, withdraw or arbitrate.

4. To conduct the functions and attain the objectives of the Association, Executive Committee shall appoint necessary personnel of different categories, promote, punish, suspend or dismiss and fix the terms and conditions, pay and duration of such personnel employed. The different classes of punishment awarded to a person appointed to the service of the Association shall be such as provided in the Kerala Classification (Control & Appeal) Rules 1960 and by adopting procedures as contemplated therein with suitable modifications as decided by Executive Committee and after providing opportunities to the delinquent to represent his case. All punishments except dismissal from service of the Association shall be issued by the General Secretary of the Executive Committee. Dismissal of a person from the service of the Association shall be made only by the Executive Committee.

5. To appoint attorneys, advisors, agents, etc. for the purpose of carrying out its functions.
6. To open and operate Bank Account or Accounts in the name of the Association as decided by the Executive Committee.
7. To submit an Annual Report to the members.
8. To verify, approve and get audited the accounts of the Association.
9. If needed, the appointment of representatives for Fellow Associations or Government Bodies or Arbitrators.
10. To form, alter, delete and practice rules and regulations for different types of schemes for the welfare of the Members and others.
11. To all such acts to carry out the functions and to attain the objectives of the Association.
12. To appoint, remove the trustees and to find, alter, delete do any such acts in the rules and regulations of the Societies, Associations, and Trusts formed by the Association.
13. Executive Committee shall delegate such power and authority to Sub-committees or President or General Secretary or any other Member for carrying out the functions and decisions of the Executive Committee.
14. The agenda and the procedure of conducting the Annual General or Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
15. a. The Executive Committee, for better functioning and understanding, shall establish the following Sub-committees:-
1. Finance Committee
2. Membership Committee
3. Professional Development Committee
4. Disciplinary Committee
5. Election Committee
6. Any other Committee depending upon the necessity and situation.
b. The Executive Committee shall nominate the Members of this Committee and decide the Terms, Rules and Regulations, Limits and Powers and duration of these Subcommittees.
c. The President and General Secretary of the Association will be ex-officio Members of all the Sub-committees.
d. The Sub-committees are a recomendative committee and the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.
e. The Executive Committee shall delegate the powers necessary to Sub-committees for its functioning.
f. The Executive Committee shall nominate any members of the Association as member of the Sub-committees.

16. The Executive Committee will be responsible to conduct the election for new Executive Committee Members and form Sub-committee and other rules and regulations for conducting such election as per the constitution and by-laws of this Association.

17. The Executive Committee shall decide and expel from membership of the Association any member who is found guilty of any misconduct or acting against the interest of the Association in any manner or suspend such a member from exercising his rights as a member for a specified period.

18. A member of the Association shall abide by the provisions in these bylaws. No member shall publish or cause to publish any statements in newspapers and make any announcement or utterances or statements publicly criticizing the activities of the Association, its Executive Committee or of any member in the Executive Committee or of any other member of the Association. If there arise a cause for a member for any grievance against the activities of the Association, its Executive Committee, a member of its Executive Committee or of any member of the Association, such member shall make a representation in that regard to the Association addressed to the President who shall cause the same to be placed in the next meeting of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee shall intimate the member of its decision. If the member is aggrieved by the decision of the Executive Committee, the member shall make an appeal to the General Body of the Association within 30 days of receipt of the intimation from the Executive Committee. The appeal shall be considered within 60 days of such decision and the decision of the special General Body shall be final. If the Executive Committee feels that there is no need for a special General Body for consideration of the appeal, the appeal shall be placed in the next General Body when convened and the decision of the General Body shall be final.

The “misconduct” and “acting against the interest of the Association” in relation to a member of the Association shall mean any acts of discredit to the Association on the part of a member by speech or action, general behaviour, misconduct, unethical activities and such other matters as the Executive Committee may consider and decide in respect of a member suo moto or on complaint from any of the members of the Association.

On receipt of a complaint of misconduct on acting against the interest of the Association in respect of a member or as a suo moto consideration of such allegation by the Executive Committee in respect of member, the Executive Committee on its preliminary consideration feels that there exist prima facie grounds to proceed against such member, the Executive Committee shall refer the allegations to the disciplinary committee which shall proceed further in the matter on the allegations against the member, obtain the explanation from the member concerned after providing adequate opportunities to the member to explain his case and forward the same with evidences if any collected to the Executive Committee with recommendations.

The Executive Committee may if it considers in its opinion to expel the member from the Association or to suspend him from membership in exercising his rights of membership for a specified period, intimate the member of its decision in doing so and to showcase if any against such decision. The Executive Committee may if it so think it necessary permit personal heating also to the member before taking a final decision and inflicting the punishment.

Article VI: President

The President shall be primarily responsible for the management of the affairs of the Association in accordance with the bye-laws and Regulations of the Association and the decision of the Executive Committee. He shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Body meeting if he is available in such a meeting.

Article VII: General Secretary

1. The General Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He shall be responsible to maintain the books connected with the management of the Association, preserve the records and belongings of the Association and control the work of the staff. He has the power to initiate and arrange the completion of disciplinary action against the staff.

2. The General Secretary shall convene the General Meetings of the Association if so resolved by the Executive Committee or requisitioned as per Article XII. The General Secretary shall also convene the Meeting of the Executive Committee on such date and at such time which he may decide or if so resolved by the Executive Committee or required by the President. The General Secretary shall maintain correct and proper procedures of all Meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Body.

3. No amount shall be spent by the General Secretary without the sanction of the Executive Committee or the General Body, except for matters arising in the ordinary course of the management.

4. The General Secretary shall be the competent authority to sue and/or to be sued.

5. The General Secretary shall be responsible for the finance of the Association.

Article VIII: Treasurer

The duties of Treasurer shall be:

1. To collect or cause to be collected, all subscriptions, donations and all amounts payable to Association.
2. To make payments on behalf of the Association as may be directed by the Committee from time to time, against proper vouchers duly passed by the General Secretary.
3. To invest all amounts in excess of the current requirements of the Association in the Bank as may be directed by the Committee.
4. And to sign receipts for monies payable to the Association and it shall be the duty of General Secretary to account for all monies received by him or disbursed through him on behalf of the Association.

Article IX: Bankers

The Association shall have accounts with such Bank or Banks as shall be authorized by the Committee from time to time and shall be operated jointly by President or General Secretary with Treasurer.

Article X: Accounts

The following Books of Accounts shall be maintained:-
1. Cash Book showing daily receipts and expenditure, and the balance at the end of each day.
2. Receipts Book, containing forms in duplicate, one of each set to be issued with details for money received by the Association and the other to serve as a counterfoil.
3. Voucher file, containing all vouchers for contingent and other expenditure incurred by the Association.
4. Ledger showing consolidated and separate accounts of all items of expenditure incurred and receipts.
5. Or any other Register or Ledger as specified by the Executive Committee.

Article XI: Meetings

1. Annual General Body Meeting
Once in a year Annual General Body Meeting of all the members will be conducted as in the bye-law.
2. Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting
Other than Annual General Body Meeting, the Committee shall summon for Extraordinary General Body Meeting of all Members as in the bye-law.
3. Special Meeting
The Executive Committee shall organize special meeting and functions, for fellowship and get together or for any other matter considered necessary.

Article XII :

a. Annual General Body Meeting
1. As per the constitution a General Body Meeting of the members to be convened every year by giving not less than 21 days’ notice to receive and consider and approve the Annual Report and Accounts of the Association and a copy of the Balance Sheet certified by at least two members of the governing body, shall be filed with the Registrar within 21 days from the date of the General Body Meeting and to appoint Auditors of the Association, to elect the Office-bearers once in 3 years and the list of the governing body shall be filed with the Registrar within 14 days after the date of the Annual General Body Meeting and to discuss any other business as may be considered necessary.
2. The Annual General Body Meeting should be conducted before 30th June of every year.

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