Actor Baburaj revealed that AmmA has initiated efforts to establish a village for aging film stars, based on an idea by Mohanlal. He made this announcement during the inauguration ceremony of the Sanjeevani life-saving medical aid project, which was launched by the organization on Republic Day.
"The idea of having our own village belongs to Lalettan (Mohanlal). As we all grow older, we need a place where we can live together. Efforts to realize this vision have already begun," said Baburaj. Mohanlal further mentioned that discussions with the government are underway to allocate land for the village. He also noted that although similar projects were attempted in Tamil Nadu, they were not successfully implemented.
The event was graced by prominent actors including Mammootty, Suresh Gopi, Srinivasan, and Manju Warrier. The Sanjeevani project aims to provide life-saving medicines for lifestyle diseases and other health conditions to 82 members of the organization. Through this initiative, each member will receive medicines worth ?1 lakh.