Renowned Malayalam film director Siddique (68) passed away on August 8, 2023, in Kochi. He had been undergoing treatment for liver-related issues at Amrita Hospital, where he died at 9:10 PM. The funeral will take place at 6 PM on August 9 at the Ernakulam Central Juma Masjid, and his body will be kept at the Kadavanthra Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium from August 9 for public homage, as announced by film director B. Unnikrishnan.
Siddique and Lal’s collaboration set new standards in modern comedy with just six films over seven years, creating a legacy that remains influential even after 27 years. Their work established a new benchmark for comedy in Malayalam cinema.
Siddique’s impact extended beyond Malayalam cinema. His contributions include notable works like *Hera Pheri*, *Arangetra Velai*, and *Pardah Hai Pardah*, among others. His legacy is profound, having contributed significantly to the cultural fabric of Kerala through his work with the Kochi Kalabhavan mimics troupe, helping elevate mimicry to a respected art form in the region.
Siddique, who began his career working as an assistant director with acclaimed filmmakers, made a notable mark with films like *Pappan Priyappetta Pappan* and became renowned for his collaboration with Lal. His passing represents a significant loss to Indian cinema, marking the end of an era of influential cinematic contributions.