The much-anticipated film starring Mammootty and Mohanlal began shooting today in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Directed by Mahesh Narayanan, the movie's cast and crew, including Mammootty, Kunchacko Boban, and Antony Perumbavoor, arrived in Colombo today from Kochi. Mohanlal had already reached Colombo two days ago. Both stars are staying at the same hotel.
A selfie taken in Colombo is now trending on social media. Mammootty shared a selfie featuring himself, Mohanlal, and Kunchacko Boban on his social media account. Kunchacko Boban also posted photos on his account with the caption "With the Big Ms of Malayalam" and tagged it as "A Mahesh Narayanan Film."
In one of the pictures, Mammootty is seen holding Mohanlal close with his arm around his shoulder. In the other photos, Kunchacko Boban is seen spending time with the two legends. These candid moments have quickly gone viral, delighting fans across social platforms.