3. The quorum for a General Body Meeting shall be 15 members personally present who are eligible to vote. No Business shall be transacted at any General Body Meeting unless there is requisite quorum If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the quorum is not present in the meeting it shall stand adjourned to the same day next week at the same time and place and if such adjourned meeting, a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the members present shall be the quorum and the business for which the meeting was called may be transacted.
4. All General Body Meetings shall be held at the office of the Association or at such convenient place as may be decided by the Executive Committee.
5. The President of the Association shall be entitled to be Chairman of the General Body Meeting. If, at any time, he is not present and unable to act as Chairman, one of the Vice-presidents shall be chosen as the Chairman for the Meeting. And if both the Vice-Presidents are unable to act as Chairman, the members present shall choose one from themselves to be the Chairman of the Meeting.
6. 21 days prior notice of every Annual General Body Meeting with the day, the date, hour and place of the Meeting, and the business to be transacted shall be given to the Members. The notice of 21 days will be reckoned if such notice is posted vide certificate of posting before 25 days of the Meeting.
7. The Chairman may with the consent of members adjourn the meeting from time to time, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than those left unfinished at the meeting so adjourned. When a meeting is adjourned to a date beyond 21 days’ notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting. Save as aforesaid, it shall not be necessary to give any notice of any adjournment.
8. Any resolution brought up before the meeting shall be decided by a show of hand or by secret ballot as decided by the Chairman of that meeting. A declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been either ‘carried’ or ‘carried unanimously’ or ‘carried by a particular majority’ or ‘lost’ and an entry to that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Association shall be conclusive evidence of the decision of the meeting in respect of the resolution.
b. Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting
1. The General Body Meeting of the members of the Association other than the Annual General Body Meeting may be summoned by the Executive Committee at any time and also shall be summoned by the Committee written requisition signed by 15 members eligible to vote stating the object of the meeting.
2. In the case of Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting, the Executive Committee may summon at short notice without giving 21 days notice by giving notification through two local newspapers and one national newspaper.
3. The other rules as applicable to Annual General Body Meeting as in the Article XII, section A will apply to the conduct of the Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting.
c. Special Meeting
1. As per the constitution, Executive Committee shall organize Special Meetings, functions of members for fellowship and get together or for any other matter considered necessary for which the rules of the Annual General Body Meeting will be applicable except for the quorum.
2. No minimum quorum is needed.
d. Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee to meet once in a month with due notice of 10 days from the General Secretary.
2. The Meeting of Executive Committee shall be convened by General Secretary with short notice of 24 hours for deciding any urgent matter.
3. The Executive Committee Meeting, where any of the membership proposals is to be considered, a notice of such consideration and the proposal of such member should be circulated to all Executive Committee Members, 15 days in advance. If any Executive Committee Member could not attend such Meeting, where such proposal is to be discussed the Executive Committee shall consider the written opinion of the absent member and if such opinion is in negative the membership shall not be considered.
4. The quorum for Executive Committee Meeting shall be six. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present in the meeting, it shall stand adjourned to the same day next week at the same time and place, and if such adjourned meeting, a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the members present shall be the quorum and the business for which the meeting was called may be transacted.
5. The President will preside over Executive Committee meeting in whose absence one of the Vice-presidents or any other Executive Committee members at the request of the others present will preside.
6. The President shall invite any member or guest or any advisors to attend the Meeting and allow him to participate in discussions but not to vote. 7. The Executive Committee Members shall waive the notice period.
8. Any resolution approved by voting by a majority of members present in a meeting shall bind all the members of the Executive Committee. In the event of there being an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
e. Special Resolutions
Special Resolutions will be passed by a majority of not less than 2/3 (Two-third) members who are eligible to vote present, in favour of such Resolutions, in an Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting of members duly convened according to the bye-laws of the Association.
f. Ordinary Resolutions
Ordinary Resolution will be passed by a simple majority of members who are eligible to vote present, in favor of such resolutions, in an Annual General Body Meeting or Extraordinary General Body Meeting or Special Meeting duly convened according to the bye-laws of the Association.
Article XIII: Election of the Executive Committee Members and Officers
1. The Executive Committee members shall be elected as provided in bye-laws of the Association.
2. The election to the Executive Committee shall be conducted once in 3 years and the present first Executive Committee nominated by the members will hold office till the 30th June 1997. And the new set of office-bearers and Executive Committee will take charge from 1 st July 1997 and thereafter 1 st July of every alternate 3 years. Provided that the Executive Committee nominated as the first Executive Committee of the Association irrespective of any authority to that committee having been obtained or not by it from authoritative sources, that committee shall be eligible to continue in office for a term of 3 years as if a validly elected committee continued in office by virtue of these provisions shall be construed as the. actions from a validly elected committee.
3. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be a Life Member of the Association.
4. A Life Member of the Association for not less than 3 years shall only be eligible to become Executive Committee Member of the Association for Election to be held from 1997 onwards.
5. The casual vacancies in the Offices or Membership of the Executive Committee shall be filled in by the Executive Committee with the existing members of Committee.
6. No Office-bearer of the Association shall hold office in any other Association having objects similar to those of the Association except in any Association to which the Association is affiliated.
Article XIV: Procedure for Election of the Members of the Executive Committee
1. The election of members of Executive Committee shall be held by voice vote and by poll depending upon the number of candidates and shall be decided by the President of the Association. The Chairman of the Meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
3. The General Body shall elect at the Annual General Body Meeting, after the announcement of election results, two members of more than 3 years membership as Election Officers. In the event of a vacancy of Election Officers arising out of death, resignation, or otherwise, the Executive Committee shall forthwith fill up the vacancy or vacancies and the Election Officers so appointed shall function as if elected by the Annual General Body. The Election Officers can appoint any other person, not even a member of the Association to be one of the members for conducting the Election. The election officers shall have the power to issue notice and conduct the Election of Office Bearers and Executive Committee at the AGM due for election as per the bye-laws of the Association and in case no notice is issued by decision of the Executive Committee, the Election Officers shall issue notice and conduct the Elections and those so elected shall assume office as per the provisions of these bye-laws on the last date permitted for conducting the AGM irrespective of whether the AGM has been convened/conducted. The Executive Committee and all concerned officials shall necessarily hand over charge in such an event to the freshly elected persons without raising any legal or other obstacles whatsoever.
4. The Election is to be held once in 3 years from the year 1997.
5. The name of any Life Member eligible to hold office in the Executive Committee in any post may be proposed by any Life Member in good standing. The nomination shall be in writing by the proposer and seconded by any other Life Member and it shall be filed with the Election Officers at least 14 days before the date fixed for the Annual General Body Meeting. The nominations shall be signed by the proposer/seconder and the nominee.
6. The nominations shall be scrutinized by the Election Officers, and the list of valid nominations shall be published on the notice board within two days after the last day for filing of nominations.
7. No Life Member can be a candidate for more than one post in the Executive Committee. If a person is nominated for more than one post, he can withdraw the candidature in respect of which he does not want to contest.
8. Any nominated candidate may withdraw his candidature within two days of the publication of the valid nominations on the notice board of the Association.
9. The final list of candidates standing for the election shall be published on the notice board within two days after the last date fixed for withdrawal of nominations.
10. All types of members who are in the Register of Members as on 31st March present in the Annual General Body Meeting in which Election to be held are eligible to vote in the Elections.
11. The voting to be in person and not by proxy.
12. In the event of a contest for any post in the Executive Committee, an Election shall be conducted by secret ballot.
13 The Election Officers shall provide suitable ballot boxes under their lock and key for the deposit of the votes by the members. The balloting shall be conducted between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. on the date of the Annual General Body Meeting. The ballot boxes shall be opened immediately thereafter by the Election Officers, and the votes secured by each candidate shall be counted and determined, in the presence of the contesting candidates or one each of their nominees if available. The counting of the votes shall be properly recorded and got attested by the witnessing candidates and/or their nominees if present.
14. The result of the Election shall be published by the Election Officers on the notice board of the Association as soon as the counting is completed, and shall also be announced at the Annual General Body Meeting.
15. The Executive Committee shall have the power, if necessary, to frame subsidiary Rules, not inconsistent with any of the provisions under Article XIV or any other provisions in these Bye-laws, to facilitate and regulate the conduct of the Elections. If any difference of opinion arises on any question between the Election Officers, they shall sit with the President of the Association and the questions shall be decided according to their majority.
Article XV: Voting Right
1. For deciding various matters under this constitution and bye-laws, the Life Members are only eligible to vote except for Election of members to Executive Committee.
2. For Election of Executive Committee members, the voting system is to be considered as per bye-laws.
3. Voting to be in person and not by proxy.
Article XVI: Interpretation
1. Throughout this bye-laws, pronouns of the masculine gender shall include the feminine.
2. The Association wherever given in this bye-laws is meant as Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA).
Article XVII: Amendments
1. The Constitution of the Association shall be amended at Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting convened according to this constitution for the purpose, where three-fourths of the total members eligible to vote are present and passed as Special Resolution by the Members eligible to vote present. The bye-laws of the Association shall be amended at Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting convened according to this constitution for the purpose and passed as a Special Resolution, by the members eligible to vote present.
2. The rules, bye-laws or amendments to the constitution of this Association shall be done only with the prior approval of the Commissioner of Income Taxes.
Article XVIII: Dissolution
1. 3/4th of the members eligible to vote of the Association may determine and pass a Special Resolution that the society shall be dissolved in any Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting duly convened for this purpose.1. 3/4th of the members eligible to vote of the Association may determine and pass a Special Resolution that the society shall be dissolved in any Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting duly convened for this purpose. Thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith or the time then agreed upon and shall all necessary steps shall be taken by the Executive Committee for the disposal and settlement of the property of the Association, its claims, and liabilities according to the bye-laws and rules of the Association applicable to if any, and if not then as the Executive Committee shall be fined expedient.
296 232 LM 295 Mr. Raja Sahib
297 233 LM 296 Mr. Tiny Tom
298 234 LM 297 Miss. Remya Nambessan
299 235 LM 298 Mrs. Reshmi Boban
300 236 LM 299 Master Devadas
301 237 LM 300 Mr. Kaviraj Achari
302 238 LM 301 Mr. Kalabhavan Haneef
303 239 LM 302 Mr. Anoop Chandran. K.R
304 240 LM 304 Mrs. Chitra Shenoy
305 241 LM 305 Mrs. Kala Ranjini
306 242 LM 306 Mr. Vijayakumar
307 243 LM 307 Mr. Narain
308 244 LM 308 Miss. Sridevika
309 245 LM 309 Mrs. Vanitha Krishnachandran
310 246 LM 310 Miss. Muktha
311 247 LM 311 Mr. Rajesh Hebbar. K
312 248 LM 312 Mr. Renju Antony
313 249 LM 313 Mr. Joseph. E.A
314 250 LM 314 Mr. Dhanam Kannan
315 251 LM 315 Miss. Roma
316 252 LM 316 Mr. Manjeri Chandran
317 253 LM 317 Mr. Bala
330 266 LM 330 Mr. Rajeev Rangan
331 267 LM 331 Mrs. Merlin Charles
332 268 LM 332 Miss. Lakshmi Sarma
333 269 LM 333 Mrs. Nisha Sarangh
334 270 LM 334 Mrs. Radika. P.S
318 254 LM 318 Mrs. Fathima Babu
319 255 LM 319 Mr. Ajmal Amir
320 256 LM 320 Mr. Ibrahim Vengara
321 257 LM 321 Mrs. Lena
322 258 LM 322 Mr. Kiran Raj
323 259 LM 323 Mrs. Anandavally. C.R
324 260 LM 324 Mrs. Usha. T.T
325 261 LM 325 Mrs. Mahima
326 262 LM 326 Miss. Vasundhara Das
327 263 LM 327 Mr. Vinu Mohan
328 264 LM 328 Mr. Sreejith Ravi
329 265 LM 329 Mr. Prem Prakash
335 271 LM 335 Baby Malavika Nair
336 272 LM 336 Mr. Baiju. V.K.
337 273 LM 337 Miss. Krishnaprabha
338 274 LM 338 Mrs. Lakshmi
339 1 OM 34 Mr. Byon
340 2 OM 52 Mrs. Ramadevi. C
341 3 OM 55 Mr. Soman. P.C
342 4 OM 67 Mr. Kalamandalam Geethanandan
343 5 OM 68 Mrs. Baby Surendran
344 6 OM 74 Mr. Ramachandran. V
345 7 OM 84 Miss. Ramya (Kripa)
346 8 OM 91 Mr. Vineethkumar
347 9 OM 92 Mr. Babu Swamy. N
348 10 OM 96 Mr. Subair. P.P
349 11 OM 110 Mrs. Jolly Easo
350 12 OM 119 Mr. Jayasankar. J
351 13 OM 141 Mr. Aby
352 14 OM 148 Miss. Sajitha Betty
353 15 OM 153 Miss. Karthika


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